Get To Know Kathryn Greeley!
Kathryn Crisp Greeley
Principal Designer/ Owner
Kathryn Greeley Designs, Inc
Waynesville, NC
- Have you held any leadership positions with ASID Carolinas?? If so, in what capacity?
“I have been a professional member of ASID since 1985. That same year, I was elected to the Carolinas Chapter Board of Directors. In 1989, Iwas elected Vice President of the chapter and in 1991 and 1992, served as Chapter President.”
- What event of ASID's have you enjoyed the most and why?
“I always enjoyed all of the meetings/galas we had, but two stand out in my mind. The first was a large masquerade ball we held in Asheville, jointly with the Georgia chapter ASID. The elaborate costumes were certainly creativity at its bestl! My other special event was the gala where I was installed as president in Pinehurst. I used the Wizard of Oz story as my theme and it was so fun I fondly remember the members who dressed in costume as my Wizard characters.”
- What do you gain most out of your ASID membership?
“Professional friendships which I still enjoy and treasure. I also believe that one gains a great deal of respect from the industry, as well as clients and the public from professional membership in ASID.”
- If you could give advice to any student coming into the design industry, what would that be?
“I would strongly urge students to get as much practical experience in design firms as possible...summer work, work during school holidays, and meaningful internships that reflect the student's passions in the field.”
- Favorite project you've worked on? If you have a picture to share, send that along too!
“In my 38 year design career, I have so many "favorite projects". Recently, I did a mountain home for a lovely and delightful client couple from Charlotte. They were respectful of the design process and put so much trust in my firm. I was able to use many custom sources for the project and was humbled at how much the clients and their family seem to love their new mountain home. Here are some photos below and you can see more here: or
Additional Comments:
“A bright spot of my design career has been writing a book in 2012 called The Collected Tabletop. For many years, clients have ask me to help them with parties and my husband and I love to entertain. The book contains twelve events that are either at our home, Chestnut Cottage, or our lake home or in client homes.”
“My passion for cooking, gardening, flower arranging and collecting are the focus of the book. I have enjoyed speaking on the book at art and antique events all over the country, including an ASID event.”
“I am looking forward to doing a holiday event with Victoria magazine in November in Asheville, NC. will be speaking on my book, as well as doing three holiday tables.” Click here to see more!